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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Essay example --
Ben Dischert February 22 2014 Research paper J.C. Watts is having a fascinating life. He won the Orange bowl as kid his uncle was state leader of NAACP. J.C. played in the Canadian Football League [CFL]. Won the Orange bowl and had an in the Congress. He was even a Baptist serve. Here’s the life of Julius Caesar Watts Watts was conceived in Oklahoma on November 9, 1957. He grew up with 5 different kin: Melvin, Lawrence, Mildred, Gwen and Darlene. J.C. was the second most seasoned. His folks were Helen and Buddy Watts. At the point when Watts was nearly nothing, his uncle Wade was state NAACP leader of Oklahoma. At the point when Watts began grade school, he was one of the main dark children to go to that school. Subsequent to making it into secondary school, he recounted to an account of when â€Å"he made it on the varsity football crew as a quarterback yet he was the subsequent string. He got so frantic about this. He quit the group and returned home to tell his father. Be that as it may, in the wake of conversing with his father .J.C. returned to his mentor and inquired as to whether he could rejoin the group, the mentor said â€Å"yes†. When the mentor put him in a game t...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Disadvantages of Decentralisation free essay sample
The achievement of decentralization will rely on the nature of work force keeping an eye on the decentralized units. In those situations where the preparation, experience, instruction and so forth of the representatives are insufficient, decentralization of power and of dynamic would be unsafe for the undertaking. There will not be right choices, disarray, logical inconsistencies and so forth (2) Decentralisation becomes uneconomic and clumsy except if the organisation is enormous and sufficient at the top to adapt to a decentralised structure. Especially for a little association decentralization isn't at all attractive in light of the fact that it would be simpler and increasingly efficient to control the endeavor on an incorporated premise. (3) When an association extends through inward development, decentralization isn't essential and might be hurtful. In contrast to outside development, in this circumstance no longing for outright independence pre-exists. (4) In circumstances of crisis or inconvenience, decentralized organization is incapable. It is exorbitant and tedious to control a crisis circumstance which influences an essential business zone under a decentralized arrangement. Such choices must be taken at the top, and unreasonable decentralization may prompt a lot of thought and deferral before the issue is brought to the consideration of the focal or top position. (5) without satisfactory data, decentralized organization will in general become feeble. Decentralized dynamic relies on the brisk accessibility of data relating not exclusively to the specific decentralized unit yet additionally to the next related exercises and unit. Without this auxiliary data choices will need coordination and solidarity among the diverse hierarchical units. 6) If it is absurd to expect to separate the business reasonably into benefit focuses or speculation focuses, at that point decentralization may bring about insufficient evaluation and control. All in all we may cite H. A. Simon, that some proportion of centralisation is vital to make sure about the benefits of association, coordination, ability and duty. Then again, the expenses of centralisation must not be overlooked . Decentralization in Organizations: Learning Objectives: 1. Characterize and clarify the term decentralization. 2. What are the focal points and drawbacks of decentralization in business associations? 3. What are business sections? 4. Characterize and clarify cost, benefit, and speculation focuses. Definition and Explanation of Decentralization A decentralized association is one in which dynamic isn't restricted to a couple of top administrators but instead is all through the association, with directors at different levels settling on key working choices identifying with their circle of obligation. Decentralization involves degree, since all associations are decentralized somewhat due to legitimate need. At one outrageous, an unequivocally decentralized association is one in which even the most reduced level chiefs and workers are engaged to decide. At the other extraordinary, in an unequivocally decentralized association, lower-level supervisors have little opportunity to decide. Albeit most associations fall somewhere close to these two limits, there is an articulated pattern toward increasingly more decentralization. Focal points/Benefits of Decentralization: Decentralization has numerous focal points/benefits, including: 1. Top administration is diminished of much everyday critical thinking and is without left to focus on technique, on more elevated level dynamic, and organizing exercises. 2. Decentralization furnishes lower level chiefs with imperative involvement with deciding. Without such experience, they would be badly arranged to settle on choices when they are advanced into more significant level positions. 3. Included obligation and dynamic authority regularly bring about expanded employment fulfillment. Duty and the position, that goes with it makes the activity all the more intriguing and gives more prominent motivators to individuals to invest out their best amounts of energy. 4. Lower level supervisors by and large have progressively point by point and exceptional data about nearby conditions than top administrators. In this manner the choices of lower level administration are frequently founded on better data. 5. It is hard to assess a chiefs execution if the supervisor isn't given a lot of scope in what the individual in question can do. Burdens of Decentralization: Decentralization has four significant detriments: 1. Lower level supervisors may settle on choices without completely understanding the master plan. While top level administrators regularly have less point by point data about nearby tasks than the lower level chiefs, they typically have more data about the organization all in all and ought to have a superior comprehension of the companys methodology. 2. In a really decentralized association, there might be an absence of coordination among independent directors. This issue can be decreased by unmistakably characterizing the companys procedure and imparting it adequately all through the association. 3. Lower-level chiefs may have targets that are unique in relation to the destinations of the whole association. For instance, a few chiefs might be progressively keen on expanding the measures of their specializations than in expanding the benefits of the organization. Somewhat, this issue can be overwhelmed by structuring execution assessment framework that spur chiefs to settle on choices that are to the greatest advantage of the association. 4. In a firmly decentralized association, it might be progressively hard to viably spread creative thoughts. Somebody in one piece of the association may have a traffic thought that would profit different pieces of the associations, however without solid focal bearing the thought may not be imparted to, and embraced by different pieces of the association Read more at http://www. accounting4management. com/decentralized_organizations. htm#kX2TyKXfLDTQ2pML. 99 Decentralization: Inspecting the Tradeoffs Decentralization by and large comes into record to accessory the hindrances of centralization. Albeit a decentralized order life systems does counsel to influenced the cons of supreme organization, for example, abbreviated version of purchasing and authority, as you go bottomward the progressive arrangement structure, it has its own distinctive arrangement of upsides and downsides. Let us dissect these case and bad marks of decentralization and put into edge the tradeoffs complex back embracing this organization idea. Points of interest of Decentralization * The top organization and advertisers of the nearby acknowledge communicate the controlling domination and are along these lines, larboard with added time to go with the activity for sharpness the associations withstanding vision. Everyday botheration systematic is no best the better issue for the higher-ups. * Operational capacity makes it simpler for the arrangement to proliferate by and large. Exercises, for example, diversifying, turn around and recruiting of counselors at the legitimate levels don't charge associated activity from the top administration. Thusly, enhancement gets simpler, embracing essential and enlisting included workforce become underneath tedious. Decentralization bounteously remittances gigantic associations advance more than a few thousand counselors and geographic areas. Expanded controlling capacity anon converts into more prominent responsibility. Limited supervisors and the same included counselors included bottomward the amassed stepping stool are spurred to goods purchasing of their work. Initiative characteristics obtaining declaration outdoors the meeting room aural the storehouses and work spaces too. The widely inclusive climate watches out for expansion operator confirmatio n curve to more noteworthy employment accomplishment than the somber fringes of a concentrated arrangement. Prepping moving toward pioneers is furthermore inexhaustible simpler in such an environment. Theres no best standoffish one centermost of arete in the arrangement however a few pockets of arete flourishing of achieved bodies advance out past the association. Domination is assigned at the limited level, which office choices are included side by side and quickened conceding not reliably vital. * Decentralized capacity office more noteworthy exactness which in about-face guarantees that underneath botches are made. A convenience is generally a self-sufficient and participative delayed consequence and if theres a bomb up in progress, undertakings are bounteous that expansion will molecule it. While theres purchasing of accomplishment, decentralized command also guarantees that there are underneath substitutes. A distortion can't be mapped to one unmistakable being (this can be a bankrupt underneath some additional conditions). * Perhaps, a standout amongst other capable results of decentralization is the attainability of available advancement. With inclination advance out past all levels and areas and the steady systems administration prospects, on fire minds get quiet with thoughts, curve to expansion quickly. There are no legitimate bottlenecks or impediments to bargain of thoughts. In a decentralized arrangement, it gets open to molecule the weak connections that are reliably influencing the basal lines. Subsequently, it gets simpler to bung the breaks in time and achieve withstanding that the familiarize esoteric are better passed on to all additional subunits aural the association. * The acknowledgment of definitive measures and best practices is furthermore encourag ed by a decentralized arrangement. Precision in real life guarantees that it is available for the different limited groups to challenge and acknowledge the strategies and procedures that carried accomplishment to a collection in the midst of somewhere else. One of the above focal points of decentralized method of demography choices is seen during a sudden change in the limited business mood, for example, the entrance of downturn or bill depreciation, and so forth. Organizations can recognize and adjust bound to these progressions back power is decentralized. * Retail organizations like Walmart and auberge chains for the most part account from tolerating a decentralized appearance of the executives. Organizations, zone snappy choices in the midst of quick paced changes in feel are the
Friday, July 10, 2020
How to Get Better Knowledge About How to Write Essays
How to Get Better Knowledge About How to Write EssaysThese days you can find a lot of essay student samples in order to get better knowledge on how to write essays. This is in accordance with the changes in students, as well as a way of correcting students who cannot write good, even if they are talented. There are different kinds of research about how to write essays so that you can get the good skills needed in this field.If you are a child of today, you would surely have experienced one or more essays, even if you are not even writing any. You should consider yourself lucky, as these were some of the very first times that you put your thoughts to paper. For many children of today, however, writing an essay is something like a hobby, as there are different kinds of teachers who teach them how to write. If you are eager to write essays, here are some ideas about how to do it.The one that I have found the most famous teachers is Dr. William Stearns. He teaches both elementary and sec ondary school students and their parents about the subject of Latin and he uses the Latin essay student samples to do so.He has many innovative courses on the subject of Latin that some of the children take to gain insight about the subject. He also teaches people about the importance of studying Latin at an early age in order to be able to know more about the language.The most interesting thing about Dr. Stearns is that he has made use of the Latin essay student samples so that he can guide people so that they would understand things that they do not know. When it comes to the topic of Latin, he shows people how to organize the matter so that they can become familiar with the basics of the language. It is therefore not surprising that Latin essay student samples is one of the best resources that he uses to teach students.He also has his own self-study course on the subject. In this course, people can follow exactly what he does in his lectures. Therefore, they will know exactly wha t Dr. Stearns says, rather than what he does in his classes.The Latin essay student samples that you see on the internet are just one of the ways of teaching people about the language. All you need to do is choose the right course, which is not that hard to do. In a nutshell, you should find out about the subject of the lessons that are about the Latin language so that you will know what to do to be able to learn the basics.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Most Significant Period Of The 20th Century - 1171 Words
World war II was one of the most significant period of the 20th century. The war was fought from 1939 to 1945 in Europe, and during 1930s to 1940s in Asia. The war in Europe began with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and ended with the official surrender of Japan, the last axis nation. It was the largest armed conflict in history, involving the entire world’s countries more than the other war. Not only that, WWII introducing powerful new weapons, culminating in the first use of new clear weapons. Even though the name was â€Å"World War†not every country in the world were involved. The war killed more civilians than previous wars and it also served as a backdrop for genocidal killing by Nazi as well as some other mass†¦show more content†¦Like other European countries the Japanese could not sustain their military successes against the U.S. until mid 1943 U.S. military forces had put the Japanese on the defensive. They fighting from island to island Amer ican troops recaptured the Philippines, and a combined force of British, American, and Chinese troops returned Burma to Britain. The Allies then moved toward the Japanese mainland. By summer 1945, American president Truman ordered to drop the bomb first in Hiroshima and second bomb in Nagasaki. The atomic bomb not only killed over 100,000 lives but also poisoning the soil, air, and groundwater. Later on the emperor Hirohito announced that they surrendered. Even though the used of the bomb was intended for ending the war but its effect was dreadful, many innocent victims were killed. The used of Atomic bomb was justified in this situation since the used of bomb saved more than thousands to millions lives of both American and Japanese people. Without the used of bomb the war might probably extended for longer period of time and many more lives would have been killed. It might be true that the use of atomic bomb was inhumane but every war is inhumane. (Compton) The relationship of U.S and USSR had develop after WWII. Cold war started
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Pop Culture Really Mean - 979 Words
Popular culture, better known as pop culture, is defined by many as the latest trends in society. If you ask members of today’s generation what pop culture is, you might get answers such as: Justin Bieber, The Wop dance, The Fault In Our Stars movie, and several others. Although, if you ask an older generation, you will get different responses from Michael Jackson and leg warmers to The Breakfast Club and all the trends that made up the 1980s. It brings up a valid question, what does pop culture really mean? Pop culture can mean many different things depending on who is defining it. According to sociology professor Tim Delaney (n.d.), â€Å"It is generally recognized as the vernacular or people’s culture that predominates in a society at a point in time†(p.5). Pop culture is dynamic; it changes as the desires of generations do, especially within the youth population. Throughout the 80s decade, life was quickly changing and everything was new--new music, fashion, movies, and many other things made the 1980s one of the most unique decades of all. Music In the 1980s, pop music was one of the most prominent genres of that decade’s culture. Many unknown but talented singers were making themselves known to the world such as: Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, and Whitney Houston. One of most influential upcoming pop stars was Michael Jackson. Music was a big part of Jackson’s childhood. His music career started when he was just 5 years old. He started singing in a band withShow MoreRelatedPop Culture Mix Modes Rough Draft1471 Words  | 6 PagesRebekah Brickeen Ms. Howard AP English 11 6 December 2016 Pop Culture Mix Modes Rough Draft During the teenage years, pop culture becomes very important and has a major influence on a teen’s daily life. Pop culture begins to have negative effect on teens when they begin to change themselves to fit into the social standards created by modern TV stars, fashion icons, and musical artists. It is fine to be interested in wealthy and famous people, because they are without a doubt, interesting and itRead MorePop Art And The Pop Culture1616 Words  | 7 PagesJason Charles Francisco Humanities 332 Kim Codella Part One I believe that as a culture, our beliefs and values are reflected through various aspects of our everyday lives. During its time, pop art really exposed American culture. The pop art movement gained its prominence in the United States during the 1960’s. The pop art movement came after the abstract expressionist movement and first emerged in Great Britain during the late 1950’s but blew up in the United States. Like I already stated, I believeRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Korean Economic1651 Words  | 7 Pagespromoted a policy relating to spread the K-pop music to other countries. The government has acknowledged that the cultural products can be used as a way to benefit the country’s export sector. According to government estimates, a US$100 increase in the export of cultural products results in a US$412 increase in the export of other consumer goods (Tuk 2012, 12). On the other hand, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism tried to expand the popularity of K-p op such as established thousands of Korean CulturalRead MoreIs K-Pop a Good Influence or Bad Influence?1425 Words  | 6 PagesDoes K-Pop Brings A Good Influence for Teenagers? What is K-Pop? K-pop or known as Korean Pop is a new music genre that was originally come from South Korea, Asia. Some say K-pop offered another style of music which has catchier and offer easy listening songs for their lovers. What makes it different too is that the style the singer has shown is something new for us and how they can deliver music on their own way that I believe none of this ever existed before. Just like how they could mix perfectlyRead MoreAndrew Warhola was born in 1928, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He majored in pictorial design at the1100 Words  | 5 Pagesknown as a leading figure in the visual art movement in pop art. He explored the relationships between artistic expressions, commercial advertisement, and celebrity culture in the 1960s and beyond. His views on American culture ad unique artistic expressions of the style of art had a great impact on American society by brining society’s obsession with mass culture and expanding mass media in America. Andy Warhol, the founding father of the pop arts’, created a movement that began in the late 50’sRead MoreDefinition Of Pop Culture842 Words  | 4 Pagesare six different definitions for popular culture. The first being that popular culture is culture that is well liked by a lot of people (5). Popular culture is what be left over after determining what is high culture and what isn’t (5). The third definition discussed would be that pop culture is just mass culture (8). The fourth one is that culture that originates from ‘the people’ (9). The fifth would be defined by Gramsci’s hegemony in that pop culture is the attempt of the ruling class to winRead MorePop Culture and Us1049 Words  | 5 PagesToday, America is seemingly defined by its popular culture which has become a major export to the whole wide world. The pop culture refers to all things that people usually do and talk about, manners and beliefs that make a society grow. The c ulture that is well accepted and followed by everybody in the society. For every place, there is always different style of culture that all people who lives there are subject to follow in able to fit in to that given place. America is one of the major countriesRead MorePop Art And The Art1034 Words  | 5 Pagesis known as Pop Art. Pop Art was invented by a few younger artists by the name of Andy Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, and Roy Lichtenstein. It was brought about in the 1960s and it helped define a new form of American Realism. Its origin was sort of a lash out against Abstract Expressionism, which was a style of painting. The point of pop art was to represent life as most Americans lived it. It pointed out the simple things that Americans find themselves caught up in in everyday life. Pop Art representedRead MoreTechnology Is Laziness Essay803 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 101-Essay 3 Mr. Fisher July 5th 2010 Laziness as Pop Culture along with Technology Let’s face it, laziness due to technological advancements is part of our Pop culture and is causing downward trending of active people and has been an increasing issue. So what’s causing this rising laziness to grow exponentially? We as human beings have an urge to invent things daily that make our lives easier and eventually take physical labor out of the equation. Most look at innovation as humanityRead MoreHip Hop And Hip Rap Music1144 Words  | 5 Pagespeace, and protest against social injustices, for the past 30 years. But exactly when and where did it begin, and what impact has it had on our society? The hip hop beats created by DJs in the 70s actually sparked what is now known as hip hop culture. Hip hop culture originally included rapping, break dancing, graffiti, beat boxing, and looping and scratching, and has now includes urban clothing and cars, speech patterns and slang, and movement styles. In the early 70s, in New York s South Bronx, the
ICT Services and Network Protection †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the ICT Services and Network Protection. Answer: Introduction The Information and communication technology entails all technologies that are used to enable telecommunications, social media, networking, and other online platforms that have made businesses easier. The internet is the most recent and common platform for communication and other important business transactions across the world. Since the discovery of the internet and the advancement of what the internet can do, people have embraced the technology, thanks to the information and technology personnel across the globe. In the recent years, cybercrimes are on the rise and the demand for security software demand has also risen, some companies and organizations have been complaining about their systems being hacked, and confidential information has been publicized, and even they have been used against them. Among those affected by cybercrime are small businesses such as pharmaceuticals, hospitality, and online gambling. At the Victoria research and technology company, we are looking to explore new businesses that can benefit from our security applications. But there are some of the executive members are concerned that not all the potential clients are engaging in socially acceptable ethical businesses. While others are more concerned with the economic aspect and do not concentrate much on the social and the environmental aspect Individuals or organizations can improve their security by restricting who can and who cannot access their information an application security, antivirus and antimalware software, email security, wireless security among others (alliance technology patners, 2017). This will protect them from them from being victims of cybercrimes hence improving their privacy. Firewalls are used to put barriers restricting an outsider from accessing ones confidential information. Victoria research and Technology Company is known to provide all security applications to prevent their clients from being victims of cybercrimes. It will be advisable to accept all their potential clients regardless of their ethical stand on their type of business. They can then involve a contract on the terms at which they will be conducting the businesses. For instance, if the online gambling is a con and it is involved in multiple law breaking scenarios they will terminate the contract. While preparing the report on the security agenda, theres need to understand some of the terms that will be used in explaining the various areas in network and information security. Network a network is two or more computers or electronic devices connected, and information/data can be shared between them. These networks are what contains confidential information therefore the need to be secured. Hacking this is an attempt to intrude one's network without authorization. This is done by usually done by a hacker who attempts to find weaknesses in the network security and exploits it to gain access to data. Network security- these are defense mechanisms that one puts in place to prevent data loss or leakage through hacking. An effective network security system stops malicious and other threats from entering the network. Can be both software and hardware technologies. (cisco, 2017). Internet- it is a network of networks that is used to form an interconnection in order to access information from more than one electronic device. For instance, Wi-Fi is an example of a wireless internet. Cybercrimes- these are computer-related crimes that involve extraction of confidential information without authorization. The intentions of these malicious crimes can be harmful to the reputation of the individual or organization or use it to their advantage. Firewall these are barriers that are put in place in order to create a boundary between the trusted internal network as well as the untrusted external It can be either software or hardware or both. Every company or organization needs to have a network security no matter how large or small the organization is. Network security is part of the mitigation plan organizations should have to avoid risks. This will prevent the company risk of losing valuable data. Valuable data can be product information, design, plans, or financial information, financial records or the customers information which are most likely confidential (Applied Trust, 2017). Information network security will allow only authorized personnel to access the network, this is ensured through authentication that will confirm that the users of the network are who they say they are. Authorized users are the only ones with the means to communicate through the network. Types of information network security applications. There are several information network security applications that have been developed and upgraded up to date. This is to ensure that with every new invention in technology, there is a corresponding network security plan that enables users to be protected from viruses and cybercrimes. Every individual or organization acquire a network security software or hardware with the aim of protecting what they want to keep confidential. The various types of network security include: Antivirus and antimalware software- this software provides protection from all forms of viruses and malware such as spyware. Malware is dangerous since they cannot be fully eliminated. They will be mild in the network waiting to attack. Antiviruses are to be scanned regularly and updated in order to keep track of any threat that might be waiting to attack your network. Email security - emails are very important to all businesses. Securing emails ensure that no unauthorized person access the emails. Attackers can use your personal information to blacklist or email on your behalf. Email security blocks the threat and controls what is sent out. Wireless security- the wireless network is usually the hardest network to secure because it is readily accessible for tampering. Therefore the wireless network should be controlled on the network coverage and the wireless security should be super strong to keep off hackers.(alliance technology patners, 2017) Off-the-shelf applications vs. products in-house Ongoing business organizations who need to acquire network security can either choose from purchasing the software that is readily available in the market or customizing their software to fit their specific needs. Off-the-shelf applications are security software that is built and can be purchased or leased. They provide a solution to various universal needs. They are cheap and readily available. They offer long-term services and can be used in various sections of the organization. Product in-house or customized software is much expensive and are usually specifically designed to address a specific need in question at the moment. Customized software is designed by specialists within the independent organization with specific standards to be met. The software provides quality results, and changes can be made to fit your own changing needs (Burkett, 2017). The company should focus on providing off-the-shelf software since it's less costly and theres already a product in the market that suits the business needs. Off-the-shelf software can also be useful in other programs in the business. Its also faster since applications come pre-built and fully functional (King, 2016). With the need for safe and secure networks, business organizations are looking for fast applications that are do not consume a lot of time to install but offer similar services to the developed applications. If the company invests in the Off-the-shelf software, there will be increased clientele as many small and medium-sized organizations opt for the Off-the-shelf software since they do not have the financial capability to install the customized security software. Advantages and disadvantages of network security Protect data network security prevents a security breach, therefore, keeping off unauthorized persons from accessing. This will ensure that respective data is not lost, tampered with, stolen or exposed to the public. Prevent cyber-attack most of the network attacks come from the internet. Hackers have come up with viruses which if they introduce it to your network they can bypass the security and tamper with your information. Therefore a strong network security will prevent the viruses from harming the computer. Level of access the provision of a unique identification key of the password has made it safer for most networks since a user has to be authorized by providing the identification details in order to access information. The computer also keeps a record of who accessed the information and when. Centrally controlled to avoid security breaches the security system is controlled centrally by the administrator who can prevent hackers from damaging or accessing any information. Costly to set up most of these security systems are expensive. Purchasing and installing them may be expensive especially for small organizations but since they have to protect their data security installation cannot be ignored at any cost. Time-consuming some security systems entails a double security, and the user has to ensure they get them correct each time they access a document. Some passwords are so long with numbers, special characters and alphabets, it takes time to feed in the passwords. Skilled personnel large networks requires highly skilled personnel since its not an easy task handling security issues when they arise. The administrator has to be qualified for the job for him/her to be able to run smoothly the company security needs. Information security risks. The following set of risks should not be overlooked, and the security network should provide an umbrella cover against them. USB and other external devices. - These are the most common agents in the introduction of viruses in computers. Anti-virus software should be installed on each computer more so laptops. Staff members should also be made aware of this risk and should help prevent it. Insufficient policies The staff should be educated on the danger they pose on the organization if they use the internet on personal matters. The managers should take responsibility in monitoring what employees engage in during working hours to avoid security breaches. Wireless access points- the wireless network in the organization should be secured, and only authorized staff should access the password. This will limit who access the network hence minimize the risk of being hacked. Disgruntled employees- employees should be made aware of confidentiality of the organizations information. They shouldnt share it with anyone who is not a member of the staff. They should not give passwords and other security details to the public. Smartphones and tablets a lost handheld device that poses information about the organization should be taken seriously since it can be used to leak information. These gadgets should be installed with the highest security to minimize the risk of leakage. (Iris Network System, 2017) For the company to expand, it will have to go in business with a variety of organizations in different fields. Some of this organization engage in activities that are regarded as not ethical such as gambling companies. These factors make it mandatory that the company observes the necessary ethics both legally and socially. The company should ensure that all organizations it gets to business with have met the required legal requirements and that they are officially recognized by the respective governments. The company should also file new tax returns as required legally since the scale of operations will increase meaning the companys income will increase. As of the social considerations, the company should make it clear in terms of the contracts that it is not taking part in the activities of such businesses that are regarded as unethical. The company should not engage in any other business dealings with such organizations other than providing network security. It is an open fact that gambling in the contemporary world is becoming socially accepted and there are many clients in organizations that deal with gambling. This means that those organizations will require up to date security software to protect the customer database as well as the companys financial information. This provides an opportunity for our company to expand on the scale of operations. Though the company will be associating with clients regarded as unethical, it will raise the profits margins considerably and expand to many branches of ICT. Updating of the software will be frequent, and this will result in the company being always on production. The off-the-shelf software will be in continuous demand, and this will mean more income at lower cost for the company. Conclusion The company has for long been specializing in developing and customizing applications that specialize in information and network security. Production of off-the-shelf software has not been given much attention over the years. If the company was to expand, it needs software that will sell quickly and at a friendly price. Organizations around the world prefer software that is not time-consuming to install and that is easily accessible. The company should, therefore, invest in off-the-shelf applications as much as it invests in customized applications. This will result in diversity in production which will lead to increase in clientele and thus enabling the expansion to different branches of ICT. There are many network security issues that require efficient network protection software. The company will gain from both the customized applications and off-the-shelf software. The risk involved may include loss of information of private information being made public. This can be avoided by the building a firewall to protect the organizations information from being hacked. Security software is also effective in controlling who has access to some of the crucial data in an organization such data may include clients financial statements, medical records for patients, the companys financial records among others. Recommendations. The company should invest in off-the-shelf software on a larger scale The company should start training programs to train the employees on how to create efficient network protections that will be competent on the open market. Contracts should be sought out from a variety of fields to increase the companys scale operations. The company should give much attention to network security and have a variety of applications for network protection The company should not shy away from going into business with organizations considered unethical such as gambling companies. This is because such companies have a high demand for ICT services especially network protection since they deal with a large customer database as well as large sums of money. References alliance technology partners. (2017). the different types of network security. Retrieved from Alliance technology partners. Applied Trust. (2017). Every company needs to have a security program. Retrieved from Applied Trust. Burkett, D. (2017, June 22). app development: off-the-shelf vs. custom software. Retrieved from working mouse. cisco. (2017). wha is network security. Retrieved from Cisco. Iris Network System. (2017). 5 network security risks your company might be aware of. Retrieved from Iris Network System. King, M. (2016, June 26). building a custom app vs. off-the-shelf options. Retrieved from pixel.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Me by Jo Dee Messina free essay sample
For eighteen years, Jo Dee Messina, the fierce red-headed country music superstar was signed to a major label. She released four studio albums, a holiday album, and a greatest hits collection. After almost five years of restriction from her label to release new music, Messina was free from her contract in 2012. Even though Messina was free from that label, her contract stipulated that she was not allowed to go and sign with another label. In 2013, at a very stressful time personally, (Messina’s mother had fallen extremely ill in April 2013, due to complications after heart surgery.) she managed to find time to connect with her fans like she never had before. She launched a Kickstarter campaign in late spring 2013, where thousands of fans (myself included) â€Å"backed†or funded the making of her new album. The album would be released independently through her own Dreambound Records. The fans were involved in nearly every aspect of the album, fans chose the songs that m ade the album, the album title, first radio single, and some even sang backup on a track entitled, â€Å"He’s Messed Up. We will write a custom essay sample on Me by Jo Dee Messina or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †I trusted Messina when she said she had more music to share with her fans, but was blown away when I heard the final product. The album, Me, is one of the most well constructed, personal collections I have ever heard. Messina manages to show her fiery side, as well as her more vulnerable side. It’s a contrast that really shows what kind of person she truly is. She is not just an entertainer and when you listen to songs such as the title track, â€Å"Me†you will truly understand that there is much more to her than the person you see on stage. On songs like the album opener, â€Å"Not Dead Yet†and â€Å"I’m Free†she confidently informs the world, that the artist in her is still alive and thriving. I think the fact that listeners get to see multiple sides of Messina, will make the album appealing to buyers. Many, like myself will realize aside from her career, she is a person too. I have a whole new respect for Messina. She was willing to go out on a limb for her fans, so that we could hear more music. Nine years later, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Sure, Jo Dee Messina has been around since the mid 1990’s, but with Me she proves that this is not just another chapter in her life, it is who she really has been all along. We are just now getting to see the full picture, and I am pleased. Very pleased. It was definitely worth the wait. Key Tracks: â€Å"A Woman’s Rant,†â€Å"He’s Messed Up,†â€Å"Say Goodbye To Superman,†and â€Å"Me.â€
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